

The Sound of Salvation

By Trina Lane

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Book Description
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One man is trapped in a continual existence of hellish nightmares-the other strives to finally see the silver eyes of his mate glow with happiness.

Charlie Chaunterel may have been rescued from Adam Broyles ten year ago, however damage from his experience has festered deep in his mind, slowly eating away at Charlie's will to live. He has alienated himself from nearly all his friends and family, except for the big brother who saved him from the demon's clutches.

Bryan Etchason has been in love with Charlie and known he is his mate since they were teenagers. Charlie's kidnapping and torture by Bryan's creator has left the man constantly hovering between the need to hold Charlie in his arms and the acceptance that Charlie must have time to heal if their mating is to have any chance of survival.

As Charlie and Bryan navigate the pathway to his recovery, Charlie finds himself having to make a choice between the man whose touch keeps him warm and stirs a heat inside his body…or the voice that comes to him frequently in the dark of night, calming the tempest of his mind. If only he could have them both…

Reader Advisory: This book can be read as a stand alone but may be best read in sequence as part of a series

General Release Date: 24th September 2012

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-78184-080-1
Word Count: 70,374
Language: English
Book Length: SUPER NOVEL
Pages: 193
Genres: GAY

About the author
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Trina Lane

If you look up the word conundrum in the dictionary, there should be Trina’s photo next to the description. Her multifaceted personality has left her friends scratching their heads in wonder. A scientist with a passion for history, music and photography she loves to travel and experience new places but is terminally shy around people she doesn’t know.

Trina has been devouring romance novels since her tender teenage years. In 2007 she finally took the initiative to write down one of stories that had been rattling around her head for years. Her choices in reading and writing material are as diverse as her iTunes library, which contains music from Mozart to Metallica. Her one concession is all stories must have a happily ever after ending. Did we mention she’s incurably romantic?

Reviews (1)
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  Reviewed by Hearts on Fire

It had all the elements I love in a story; the emotions, great characters and of course the happily ever after. However, I am sad to see it end as I would love to see more about this family and their...

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