

Mistress Mine

By Lyn Cash

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Book Description
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RC Jones poses a problem for his sibling, who wants RC out of the way before their grandfather's upcoming birthday. Shanghaied, inebriated, and tossed onto a cruise ship for the kinky, only to wake up with a leather-clad dominatrix standing over him—just what every alpha male needs!

April is a psychology major who earns extra money during the summer by working as a dominatrix on a cruise ship.

When RC gets shanghaied—she thinks he's her next submissive. But a challenge is issued—if she falls for him during his 'vacation', she becomes his submissive for two weeks.

What's a woman to do?

Publisher's Note: This book has been released previously. It has been revised and re-edited for release with Totally Bound Publishing.

General Release Date: 21st April 2008

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-906590-09-3
Word Count: 37,081
Language: English
Book Length: SHORT NOVEL
Pages: 106

About the author
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Lyn Cash

Bobbie Cole is the multi-published author of over fifty short stories and confessions, a couple of non-fiction books, and over a dozen novellas and novels. Her mainstream fiction is written under Bobbie Cole, her erotic fiction under the pen names of Lyn Cash and Cash Cole.

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