

Summer When She Smiles

By Rebecca Fairfax

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Book Description
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Summer loving, all year long.

On the surface, The Playboy of the Western World isn’t just a production Piers Neale had great success in—it’s the way he lives his life. But he’s not so much love ’em and leave ’em as it’s women loving his so-called ‘glamorous’ lifestyle…and leaving the ordinary, real man underneath. World-weary Piers never expected to fall for any woman, yet a closed-off accountant auditioning for the summer production entranced him at first sight.

Except…Cara wasn’t exactly there about a role in the play. She’s the external auditor appointed by the borough council to evaluate its assets, especially the non-performing kind—one of which is the theatre. The handsome, charismatic Piers simply swept her off her feet. The vulnerability beneath his façade calls to Cara, just as he brings out the long-buried woman in her. But can a true relationship bloom between a couple both wearing disguises? And what will happen when Piers and Cara shed their masks—if they can?

Reader advisory: This book contains references to anal sex and to adultery.

General Release Date: 25th August 2020

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-83943-428-0
Word Count: 31,063
Language: English
Book Length: SHORT NOVEL
Pages: 122

About the author
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Rebecca Fairfax

After having lived and worked all over Europe, Rebecca Fairfax is back in her native UK, bursting to share all the stories she's dreamed up and describe all the places she's seen and all the people she’s met. Romantic suspense, light contemporary, urban fantasy—it’s all on the way.

Her life is not her own—it belongs to her demanding Old English Sheepdog and her bossy British Blue cat. Once she accepted that, things got easier.

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