

Shifter Chronicles: Part Two: A Box Set

By Crissy Smith

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Book Description
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Wolf Pack

He’s a lone wolf no longer.

Wolf Shifter Cole Babcock is now the leader of a unit within the Shifter Coalition. As a lone wolf he’s working hard to handle his new duties and working with a team. He doesn’t mind working hard and it’s not like he has anyone to go home to.

Kendra Brown, a US Marshal, is tracking a missing witness and needs the help of the Coalition. Her first meeting with the team leader reveals that they’ve met before. In one explosive night of passion.

Things are changing fast for the two shifters. The case that brought them together runs into complication after complication. There are rogues being held hostage, Kendra’s witness is in danger, and Cole’s been offered a chance of a lifetime. The Alpha of the local wolf pack wants Cole to take over the position from him.

Cole begins to rely on Kendra for everything from closing the case to speaking with the Alpha. As they grow closer, Cole realizes how strong his feelings for Kendra are. He isn’t alone anymore.

With their lives in danger, only the love they share will get them through the week. 


Lion's Claim

A new town, a new cast of characters, a new adventure.

Annabelle Sanchez has lived her entire life in the shadows, watching the world from the outside. Having grown up in foster care until she ran away at the age of fourteen, Annabelle doesn’t trust anyone except for the ragtag group of shifters who have become her family. Cold, scared and alone on the streets, Annabelle stumbles across Mac Gordon, the only person to ever tell her why she’s so different from other people. Mac brings her into his family—the bar he owns and the underground network where he helps shifters disappear when they need to. Annabelle is furiously loyal and she will not let anyone hurt her family.

When an agent from the Coalition starts sniffing around, Annabelle knows there is more to the gruff shifter than what’s on the surface. The way she responds around him is both frightening and exciting. Family bonds are tested when Annabelle starts spending time alone with Logan.

Logan Coldwell has lost everything when he joins a new shifter organization looking for law enforcement agents for its ranks. Logan jumped at the chance to start over after being rejected by his birth family. He puts everything he has into his job, the only thing he has left.

For two years Logan has had one goal—to protect innocent shifters and make those who break the law pay. His latest assignment leads him to a small northern California town that is chock-full of all kinds of shifter species. Several shifters have come before him and have never been seen or heard from again. Logan is determined to find out what is going on, no matter how much he’d really like to be investigating the beautiful and sweet Annabelle.


Hidden Hyena

He’s hidden himself away. Will Melissa be able to lead him out of the dark?

After shifters became known to the public, Trent’s life changed drastically. He had no idea that his fellow cops and girlfriend would turn on him. Only his partner stood by his side. Then came the night of a burglary gone wrong. The other cops put off coming to Trent and Adam’s aid, causing Adam bleed out and die. Dating Melissa Bishop had Trent looking at a future he’d given up on. But when he needed her the most, she turned her back on him.

Trent walked away and never looked back. Now the bad guys have come to Brookside to try to rid of the town of shifters, Trent will do anything to protect them. Even if that means working with the newly hired sheriff deputy.

Melissa had made a lot of mistakes in her life, but nothing as horrible as sending Trent away. She’d spent years trying to make amends and getting taken on with the Brookside Sheriff Department will allow her to protect an entire town of shifters. She never expected to see Trent again.

One look and Melissa knows she’s still in love with Trent. Too bad he’s warned her from going anywhere near him. When the threat to her new town escalates, Melissa has to prove to Trent and everyone in Brookside which side she’s on.

It’ll take a team of specialized shifters and one feisty human to protect the town.


Reader Advisory: These books contain references to abuse and domestic abuse.

General Release Date: 14th July 2020

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-83943-423-5
Word Count: 153,493
Language: English
Pages: 605

About the author
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Crissy Smith

Crissy Smith lives in Texas with her husband, daughter, and three Labrador retrievers. The three dogs love to curl up under her computer desk and nap while she writes. It doesn't leave a lot of room for her but what's a woman to do?

When not writing or reading, she enjoys hunting, camping and shooting. But she has a girly side too and is addicted to pedicures and coffee.

She has been writing since she was a teenager and still loves everything to do with the paranormal. Her stories and characters all have a place in her heart. She loves the alpha male, the dominant werewolf, or the Master vampire which find their way in most of her books.

Learn more about the characters she has created at her website where they have their very own page. It will be updated from time to time to let you know what's going on with them. You can also find out who will be in the next book.

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