


By Jambrea Jo Jones

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Book Description
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Anabella's dreams bring her to David, but is he the salvation she's looking for?

Anabella Pouge is plagued with powers she can't control, making her life far from normal when all she wants is ordinary. Change is coming her way when she must flee with a man straight out of her dreams.

David Sanders is sent to find Anabella. Without her, the future of his wolf pack is in danger. Forced to travel to the middle of nowhere, David finds Anabella might mean more than just his pack's survival.

Will the two make it back to the pack in time? Can Anabella and David accept each other and the coming changes to their lives?

Reader Advisory: This story has been previously released as part of the Over the Moon anthology by Total-E-Bound

General Release Date: 4th October 2010

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-0-85715-302-9
Word Count: 20,193
Language: English
Book Length: NOVELLA
Pages: 61

About the author
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Jambrea Jo Jones

Jambrea wanted to be the youngest romance author published, but life impeded the dreams. She put her writing aside and went to college briefly, then enlisted in the Air Force. After serving in the military, she returned home to Indiana to start her family. A few years later, she discovered yahoo groups and book reviews. There was no turning back. She was bit by the writing bug.

She enjoys spending time with her son when not writing and loves to receive reader feedback. She's addicted to the internet so feel free to email her anytime.

Reviews (4)
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  Reviewed by Joyfully Reviewed

I'll be watching for the second book in this series to see what happens next. Dreams is a lovely story that combines passion along with life threatening danger that will keep you wondering what...

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  Reviewed by Bobby D Whitney

I really enjoyed Dreams, especially the psychic angle...

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