

Power Box Set

By Bailey Bradford

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Book Description
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The Power series


What’s a sub to do when the Dom he wants looks dejected? Hank’s about to find out as soon as he works up the nerve to approach Master Thomas.

Hank has watched and wanted Master Thomas for a long time. When Master Thomas’ sub leaves him looking dejected, Hank wants to take a chance. Fear holds him back until his friend prompts him to take action and be more forward than he’s ever been before.

Thomas isn’t broken-hearted, but his pride sure took a hit. He’s sitting in the club, doubting himself, as his ex-sub is acting more like a Dom than not.

Then a sub wearing white leather approaches Thomas with some goading from a friend. Thomas has noticed Hank before, but the timing was never right for them to connect—until now.

With one daring move by a sub who knows Doms are only human, the future suddenly looks brighter than Thomas had hoped it could be.



Larry didn’t think he was made for happy-ever-afters, until one Dom changed his mind.

Larry likes to keep his BDSM and sex separate. He has his reasons and he doesn’t have to explain them to anyone else. Though he has a friend in another sub, Hank, no one knows Larry—maybe not even Larry himself.

Life takes twists and turns one can never predict. When one of those twists turns out to be a Dom Larry is attracted to, Larry’s secretive life and hidden desires threaten to come bubbling to the surface.

But for that to happen, he’ll have to learn to trust someone.

Bo Olsteen always wears his leather hood when he’s at the club. He likes to keep a firm line drawn between the Dom and the man outside of BDSM.

He hasn’t gotten laid or had a scene with a sub in far too long to admit. No one has caught his attention until he sees one blond man with boundaries all over the place and a chip on his shoulder at the BDSM club in Ravon.

Two men, neither of them expecting the connection that bursts to life between them, are about to learn the power in true submission.



Forest is absent-minded, oblivious and so adorable, Dominant Quarry Light can’t help but to fall for him.

Quarry Light grew up tough—with a name like his, he didn’t have any other choice. Being a Dom came naturally to him, so when he got the chance to co-own a BDSM club with his friends, he leaped on the opportunity. If he thought he’d be able to find his soulmate sub easier, well, that was a side benefit.

The only problem is, that benefit had never appeared, and after having his heart and hopes crushed twice, Quar has decided he’ll stick to just scening with a sub now and then.

Fate has other things in mind, namely in the form of one Forest Tilden.

Forest is absent-minded, oblivious and so adorable, Quar can’t help but ask for his number after he stops to help the poor guy. Forest’s car picked the right day to bite it. He’s going to get more than a little mechanical advice from Quar. Together, they might get the future they both long for.

General Release Date: 6th November 2018

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-78651-712-8
Word Count: 39,996
Language: English
Book Length: SHORT NOVEL
Pages: 177

About the author
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Bailey Bradford

A native Texan, Bailey spends her days spinning stories around in her head, which has contributed to more than one incident of tripping over her own feet. Evenings are reserved for pounding away at the keyboard, as are early morning hours. Sleep? Doesn't happen much. Writing is too much fun, and there are too many characters bouncing about, tapping on Bailey's brain demanding to be let out.

Caffeine and chocolate are permanent fixtures in Bailey's office and are never far from hand at any given time. Removing either of those necessities from Bailey's presence can result in what is known as A Very, Very Scary Bailey and is not advised under any circumstances.

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