

Contact: A Box Set

By Jade Archer

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Book Description
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What to Do With Lore

A rough around the edges mercenary and a little spit-fire determined not to be anyone's pleasure slave—making contact has never been so volatile…or so much fun!

Rhyn is an ex-lawman working as a mercenary. He's contracted to protect large space freighters and passenger liners through space. He considers most sentient beings too annoying to be around on a permanent basis. He's content to swear at inanimate objects and tinker with his pride and joy—Baker's Pride; a bastardised freighter with more than one nasty little surprise under the hull skin just waiting to spring on the unsuspecting pirates he loves to goad and chase.

That is until his latest assignment brings him face to face with a stunning, fiery little cat man slave named Lore. Will the siren he discovers lead him to new horizons or will he crash and burn up on re-entry to reality?

Lore's not having a very good day. He's been reclassified as a pleasure slave, traded off-world, knocked on the head and placed in stasis and now he's woken up surrounded by four of the biggest, hairiest men he's ever laid eyes on. Oh! And it looks like they're pirates.

Just as well he's handy with a skillet and the pirates aren't immune to a few well placed hits! Will the sudden appearance of a glorious, dark skinned angel in a lawman's hat be the answer to all his lust filled prayers, or is he just another devil in disguise sent to snatch all his hopes and dreams away again?


How to Steal Blade

A disillusioned Dom and a bratty sub chafing against being a slave—oh! and those nasty cuffs that are cutting off the circulation to his wrists—this time making contact is going to require discipline.

Deminic's not happy. He relocated to the fast paced, cut-throat business world of the Mebian system to try and find what was missing in his life. Instead, he finds his days an endless parade of sycophantic business owners, fawning hostesses and toadying charity organisations.

Even the joy he once found in dominating a sub has long since lost its appeal, as more and more often he finds they're only interested in the tempting bulge of his credit chip. Surely, while he's trying to figure out what he wants in life, it's not too much to ask to find an honest sub? Someone who's just the right combination of submission and challenge?

Blade's smart mouth and disrespectful attitude are always getting him into trouble. But this time he's really outdone himself. He's naked, gagged and bound over a rather ominous looking black leather bench. And the cuffs are really becoming annoying. For a start, they won't loosen enough for him to get away before whoever he's being offered up to like a tasty little lubed snack comes in. If only being bound and gagged didn't feel so…incredibly tempting.

When these two meet there's bound to be some misunderstandings, but is the biggest one of all destined to drive a wedge between them forever, just as they finally manage to get free of the system that's been dragging them both down?


Why Jay Ran Away

When you love someone you give them your heart. But if it turns out they may literally want it - run like hell! This time there won't be any contact without one hell of an explanation!

Jay loves Nic unconditionally. Completely. That is until he accidently overhears something he shouldn't. Something that suggests Nic is involved in a terrible scheme to use other cat clan members in the worst possible way.

Now Jay's on the run. He's cold, hungry, terrified and heart-broken. But could there be more to what he's learnt about Nic than meets the eye? Is there any chance he could have made a mistake? And even if he has, can Jay ever forgive his lover for his lies?


Where to Find Harte

When you're a run-away slave, the very last person you should want to make contact with is a bounty hunter. Pity Harte can't seem to keep his hands off the man.

Harte is in trouble. Big trouble. And the only hope he and nineteen other cat man slaves have of surviving is to get a message out about what is really going on in the secret medical research facility they're being held at.

Unfortunately, the next to no chance Harte had when he ran away looks like a completely lost cause now he's been captured by the infamous Logan McCabe. If only the man didn't look like a walking wet dream he might be able to work out how to get out of this mess.

Logan has always prided himself on his professionalism and dedication to doing a good job, every time. Falling for a target and reneging on a contract isn't covered under either. It's simple, not something Logan has ever considered doing before. Until Harte. Now Logan finds himself putting his heart on the line, regardless of his commitments. A pity the gorgeous man of his dreams doesn't seem to have any qualms about crossing the line and grinding his misplaced affection into the dust.

Between stubborn bounty hunters who won't listen, a lab full of homicidal medical personnel, a system rife with abuse and injustice and a rather inconvenient internal time bomb threatening to end his life, Harte really is in a world of trouble. One that might not include the happily ever after he's been hoping for.

General Release Date: 30th June 2020

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-83943-056-5
Word Count: 84,629
Language: English
Book Length: SUPER NOVEL
Pages: 322

About the author
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Jade Archer

Jade Archer was born in 2010 after a prolonged pregnancy and labour of over 34 years! I've decided she is about 24, enjoys long walks in the country because she does not have five kids and a husband to care for, eats as much chocolate as she wants because she never has to worry about putting on weight (must be all those long walks!) and can often be found planning her next whirlwind world tour or endlessly typing away (without any interruptions) on another hot and steamy erotic romance. It might be space pirates; it might be shifters or a lonely vampire with a hunger for the girl next door, one thing is for sure, she loves variety and cannot wait to meet the next characters destined to fall in love.

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