

They Walk Among Us

T.A. Chase

Customer & Industry Reviews of They Walk Among Us

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  Review by MM Good Book Reviews

I loved this amazing story from start to finish. Spine-tingling and exciting... I could not put it down. Highly recommended. 

  Review by Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words

I loved seeing them fight together to overcome the things standing in their way to get Raven’s sister and then for their future.

  Review by Kimi Chan Experience

I was hooked by this compelling story from the very first page. The love between Raven and Zach was so strong that absolutely nothing could stand in its way. If you want an action packed story that will keep you guessing until the very end, then this book more than fits the bill.

  Review by Gay Book Reviews

There was so many secrets among both Zach and Raven that each new turn of events something else was revealed. It was an exciting read that came to a huge fallout in the end where decisions had to made. I really enjoyed this book...Look forward to more books by T.A. Chase again in the future.

  Review by Rainbow Book Reviews

The author has created a unique and interesting world with strong characters, crisp, clean writing, and a great story...There is a lot going on with this story and inner twists and turns that made it a really good read that I enjoyed immensely. If you like science fiction and aliens then you will like this story.



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