

Love Next Door

Megan Slayer

Customer & Industry Reviews of Love Next Door

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  Review by Susan

I received a copy of Love Next Door by Megan Slayer from Pride Publishing in exchange for an honest review. I wanted to read this book when I read about the three kittens since I’m an ailurophile. I enjoyed the organic way Tommy (finder of kittens) and Matthew (vet next door) met in what might be my favorite meet-cute this year. While their HEA was never in doubt, there were some serious issues to be addressed before it could happen. I was glad none of the problems involved anything bad happening to the kittens as I hate media where the cat or dog dies. While the author writes in a variety of genres, I would definitely read another sweet story like this one.

  Review by Susan

I received a copy of Love Next Door by Megan Slayer from Pride Publishing in exchange for an honest review. I wanted to read this book when I read about the three kittens since I’m an ailurophile. I enjoyed the organic way Tommy (finder of kittens) and Matthew (vet next door) met in what might be my favorite meet-cute this year. While their HEA was never in doubt, there were some serious issues to be addressed before it could happen. I was glad none of the problems involved anything bad happening to the kittens as I hate media where the cat or dog dies. While the author writes in a variety of genres, I would definitely read another sweet story like this one.



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