

The Final Quarter

Anne Lange

Customer & Industry Reviews of The Final Quarter

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  Review by Night Owl Reviews

The main characters and the secondary characters were fascinating and believable. I loved that no matter how tough things got Serena stood by Mitch. While Mitch has many faults he handled them in a realistic and believable way. The level of conflict is perfect, anymore and it would have detracted from the overall storyline. The dialogue between the characters was sincere and distinct. The characters voice seemed to match not only the setting but seemed to fit their overall personality. 

  Review by Chicklit Goddess

Every now and then, I like to read short erotica, and having sports mixed in with it is even better. In this 145 page short and sexy read, The Final Quarter was HOT! Not only was the sex written very well, I loved that I really felt a connection between Mitch and Serena, and that they truly loved each other. While Mitch had his issues, I loved how Serena didn’t give up on him, and tried to help him through a dark period.

If you’re looking for a quick, sexy erotica, then this is definitely a book for you. This was my first book by Anne Lange, and it won’t be my last!

  Review by The Romance Reviews

Although I wanted to jump right into a resolution for the couple, as a reader I knew I was in for some angst. That's where the title comes into play. It's the final quarter of their marriage and the clock is counting down. The heat level provides a solid addition to the storyline, giving the couple just the right amount of intensity. 

  Review by Wicked Reads

I loved that the couple was a married couple and was going through a rough time, but you didn't feel like you were missing out on a lot by not having been there through their courtship and the early years of their marriage, which is huge kudos to the author since most of the stories I've read with married couples make me feel like I've missed so much. Overall a good read and I'd read further in the series.



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