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Review by Dark Diva Reviews
...a brilliant story of murder, haunting, and love unexpected...You will not be disappointed with The Haunting of St. Xavier.
Review by Fallen Angels Reviews
...a fast paced and intricate story...This is one astonishing story that holds the reader spellbound for the start!
Review by Queer Magazine Online
...a tale of the pain of justice delayed and love redeemed...Lynne and Chase are skilled writers and fine storytellers...definitely worth a read.
Review by Book Wenches
...a well-conceived and multifaceted novella that combines a somewhat gruesome ghost story, an intriguing mystery and m/m romance...chilling and involving and a good read overall.
Review by Literary Nymphs
4.5 out of 5! I admit that usually I don't read books that falls into the horror genre...I decided to give it a chance and I'm glad I did...a well plotted and written book, filled with great characters, a vividly described locale and a great