

In the News: Sporting Chance

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Alexa Milne - Prism Book Alliance interview

We are here today to talk about Sporting Chance.  What can you tell us about it?

Sporting Chance is a modern romance about finding love but also how difficult it can be to keep that love. It’s also about family and friends. The story deals with issues around being a gay sportsperson. At the moment there isn’t one out gay rugby player who is actually playing and that makes me sad.

Alexa Milne - Guys Like Romance Too feature

I have a confession to make – I love romance. Everyone loves a happy ending, don’t they? But for some people romance is a dirty word in literature, never to be taken seriously. Romance fiction covers anything from Barbara Cartland to Jilly Cooper through to the much more risqué Shirley Conran and now modern chick-lit, as it’s called, but it’s also Jane Austen, the Bronte sisters, Shakespeare, Charles Dickens and many others.

Alexa Milne - Rainbow Gold Reviews feature

My name is Alexa Milne. I reached half a century a little while back, I have red hair which is fading a bit now, I love sci-fi programmes and football, oh, and I like writing about men meeting each other and falling in love.

Well, that was quick and easy, but sort of sums me up. Okay, here’s a little bit more. I’ve always told stories, from inventing my own version of the gang from Scooby Doo with my dog, Prince, to bringing history to life for thirty years in the day job. I’m also rarely without something to read. I can remember the first time I cried reading a book. I was eight, reading Black Beauty in bed on a Saturday morning, and Ginger had just died. My mum found me weeping buckets. I’ve cried over a few books since then and laughed at a few as well.



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