

Tori Carson

Tori lives in the beautiful Sonoran Desert with her loving husband of almost thirty years. She wakes up each morning to the howls of coyotes and the barking of her family dogs wanting to join the fray.

When Tori isn't writing, she's either spending time with her two, wonderful adult children, or creating stained glass art.

She likes her love stories scorching hot. She tries to infuse a fire and passion between her characters that rivals the blazing summer sun that Arizona is known for. Tori encourages you to bask in the heat between the covers of a Dominant/submissive, happily-ever-after, bondage romance.

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Tori Carson - Coffee Time Romance feature

Many of us turn to our four-legged friends when our hearts have been broken and with good reason. They don’t ask questions. They snuggle and bring us comfort without asking for much in return. Their non-judgmental companionship is a treasure. 

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Tori Carson - Coffee Time Romance feature

It’s crazy and more than a little disconcerting how a split second decision can alter the course of one’s life. Four years in college, burning the midnight oil to keep ahead of the bill collectors and to complete enough assignments to graduate, all blown to hell through the fall out of one decision.

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Reviews (16)

This was an awesome book to read. The characters and situations are like ones you would encounter every day, which I really liked. The words flow easily from one to another. This story wi...
This story reeled me in! Tori develops an intricate and believable world of suspense while also keeping a romance in the forefront. The characters are well-developed and personal, human beings with...
Oh, my, Eva is so stubborn! I loved that about her; she drew me in instantly. She'd been hurt and I could very much relate to her line of thinking - that logical, all or nothing thinking that attem...
This is such an endearing story. I was captivated from the very beginning. Andre and Adriana are clearly meant to be together; their connection to one another, even first as friends, is easy and an...
I've read all the books in the series thus far, and this is my favorite. Meri is smart and playful, with a genuine personality that made me fall in love with her right away. Ted's protective, hard ...


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