

Clarity of Lines

By N.R. Walker

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Book Description
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When some lines blur, others become crystal clear.

Absolutely smitten, Thomas Elkin and Cooper Jones have decided they’re prepared to give a relationship a try.

What they’re not prepared for is the reaction from their families, who try to force them apart.

Both men are about to learn that there are lines that define us. Sometimes the lines blur, sometimes the lines become crystal clear.

Publisher's Note: This book was previously released under the same title. It has been re-edited for re-release with Pride Publishing.

General Release Date: 11th August 2015

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-78430-740-0
Word Count: 34,313
Language: English
Book Length: SHORT NOVEL
Pages: 110

About the author
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N.R. Walker

N.R. Walker is an Australian author, who loves her genre of gay romance. She loves writing and spends far too much time doing it, but wouldn't have it any other way.

She is many things; a mother, a wife, a sister, a writer. She has pretty, pretty boys who live in her head, who don't let her sleep at night unless she gives them life with words.

She likes it when they do dirty, dirty things...but likes it even more when they fall in love.

She used to think having people in her head talking to her was weird, until one day she happened across other writers who told her it was normal.

She's been writing ever since...

Reviews (7)
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  Reviewed by Jesse Wave

I love this series more every time I read it. This is just an absolutely terrific, low angst May/December romance, with no miscommunication, hot sexy times, and a sweet HFN! Read more reviews


  Reviewed by BFD Book Blog

I honestly can't remember the last time i read a book where I had a big goofy grin on my face for 85% of the book...which is exactly what happened with this one. Let it be known that I ABSOLUT...

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News (1)
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NR Walker - Exclusive Author feature

You have revisited and expanded your Thomas Elkin series! Why did you want to return to this series in particular?

I simply adore Tom and Cooper. And even though the Thomas Elkin Series was released two years ago, I still have readers who tell me Tom and Cooper are one of their favourite couples, ever.

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