


By Katy Hunter

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Book Description
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Falling in love with Gil was never Sophie’s plan, but the French mountain air, the grumpiest llama ever and her boyfriend’s loving—if liberated—family might just change her mind.

Sophie Smith—actress, influencer, in a close personal relationship with her blender—finds herself on a French mountain with a grumpy llama, a boyfriend with a bad case of commitment phobia and his sexually liberated parents.

In between getting chased around the farm by angry goats, dealing with his beautiful ex-girlfriend and fending off a Frenchman, she’s also having an existential crisis.

All she needs to do is get her boyfriend to stop quivering in fear at the L word, teach that llama to snuggle and work out what she actually wants to do with her life, then everything will be fine. Right?

General Release Date: 1st March 2022

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-83943-576-8
Word Count: 54,338
Language: English
Book Length: NOVEL
Pages: 217

About the author
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Katy Hunter

Katy Hunter lives on a mountain in France with her husband, kids and two dogs.

When she's not writing you can find her curled up in front of the fire, book in one hand and a glass of chardonnay in the other.

Follow Katy on Instagram and sign up to her Facebook reader's group. You can also find her on Facebook and follow her on Twitter

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