

To Stand Close

By Faith Ashlin

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Book Description
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Can love grow and survive for two men on opposite sides of the deepest of chasms—slavery?

In this world, one country has cut itself off and is closed and mysterious to everyone else. What’s the secret it’s hiding? Magic? Monsters? No, just the cruel reality of slavery. But inside its borders life goes on as normal, and it competes with the rest of the world at sport just like everyone else, just to prove that it’s the best.

Nicky accepts that and is happy in his own small, simple life as a gymnastics coach. He accepts it because he’s never known anything else, but he stays as far away from the brutality of slavery as he can, until he’s given a present he doesn’t want and isn’t allowed to refuse.

As for love? Well, he loves his sport. Isn’t that enough?

Reader Advisory: This book contains scenes of slavery. 


General Release Date: 27th March 2015

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-78430-462-1
Word Count: 63,622
Language: English
Book Length: NOVEL
Pages: 176

About the author
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Faith Ashlin

When Faith was clearing out her attic many years ago, she found a book she'd written as a ten-year-old. On rereading it she realised that it was the love story of two boys. Over the years her fascination with the image of beautiful young men, coiled together as they fell head over heels in love, became a passion for her.

Since that first innocent book—written in purple sparkly pen—she has written many stories, set in varied worlds, but always with two men finding their way to happiness.

Still nothing much has changed because now she can be found in a daydream, wandering around the supermarket, or sitting in a meeting at work still dreaming up stories.

Reviews (4)
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  Reviewed by Prism Book Alliance

Faith Ashlin’s stories always make me think, her AU worlds are so close to our own but she adds a small change that makes them a disturbingly different place.The relationship between them grows slowly...

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  Reviewed by Boy Meets Boy Reviews

To Stand Close was thought provoking, engaging and just fucking good. The development of their relationship is slow, thoughtful and realistic. To Stand Close isn't fast paced, full of...

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News (2)
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Faith Ashlin - Prism Book Alliance's Recommended Read

To Stand Close has been chosen as a recommeneded read for April!

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Faith Ashlin - Author Spotlight

What can we expect from To Stand Close?

When I started this book I wanted to write an intense, almost claustrophobic atmosphere in which my two beautiful men come together in an equal, honest and loving way. I gave them a harsh, dark world but I didn’t what to dwell on that. I wanted their relationship to grow in a gentle way despite everything. I do hope you think I managed to do that.

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