

The F-Road

By Peter E. Fenton

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Book Description
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A free story by Peter E. Fenton.

General Release Date: 1st August 2022

Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
Word Count: 2,638
Language: English
Book Length: SHORT STORY
Pages: 15

About the author
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Peter E. Fenton

Hoodoo House marks Peter E. Fenton's third novel with Pride Publishing.

The Woodcarver's Model came out in April of 2022 and was a four time nominee in the Goodreads M/M Romance Readers' Choice Awards. Mann Hunt was released in the summer of 2023, and was also nominated for a Goodreads M/M Romance Readers’ Choice Awards. Hoodoo House is the second of three books in the Declan Hunt Mysteries series, with the final instalment coming out in 2025.

Peter is also a playwright who has penned the book for four musicals including: The Giant's Garden, Newfoundland Mary, Bemused, and The Detective Disappears, which have had professional productions across Canada and the U.S.A.

He spent many years working in palaeontology in remote locations including the Canadian Rockies, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Peter currently resides in Toronto, Canada with his partner of over twenty years.  At heart, he is an incredible romantic.


Find out more about Peter at his website and blog and follow him on Instagram.

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