

Ask the Oracle

By JJ Black

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Book Description
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When you absolutely have to know…

Grayson Muir is a know-it-all. No, seriously…he really does know it all. The strength of his abilities has him rumored to be the most powerful Oracle in the world. Gray couldn’t care less. All his life, Gray has played by his own rules. Whether through his own private clients or his work with the police, his only goal has been to use his gift to help as many people and paras as he can. With abilities like Gray’s, he doesn’t have time for any distractions.

Unfortunately, that is exactly what he gets when Andreo Demos, a six-hundred-year-old Lust Demon, pays him an unexpected visit. Dreo has been sent by the Demon Council with an appeal for assistance. The Lord of the Underworld has been murdered, the Demon kingdom has been thrown into chaos and Gray’s help is needed to identify the murderer.

Gray has his doubts. Demons don’t have the best reputations, after all. Still, despite his reservations, there is something about Dreo that calls to him. Whether it’s his dark good looks or the startling knowledge that Dreo believes they are destined mates, Gray can’t help but agree to offer his assistance.

Unfortunately, their road to happiness isn’t destined to be an easy one. Between court intrigue, their own unexpected mating and a murderer still on the loose, they are definitely going to have their work cut out for them. What are the chances, they’ll get their happy ending? Ask the Oracle.

Reader Advisory: This book contains scenes of violence and non-consensual touching.

Publisher's Note: This book is best read in sequence as part of a series.


General Release Date: 2nd May 2014

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-0-85715-691-4
Word Count: 58,296
Language: English
Book Length: NOVEL
Pages: 151

About the author
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JJ Black

Born and raised in Western Michigan, JJ Black's love affair with books started young and has only grown with age. Always a fan of supernatural fiction and romance, JJ stumbled across the M/M genre and has never looked back.

JJ loves to hear from readers and can be contacted at:

Reviews (9)
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  Reviewed by Crystal's Many Reviews


The story overall was one that I did completely enjoy. There were plenty of twists and turns throughout it all that kept me on the edge of my seat, waiting to find out what was going...

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  Reviewed by Sensual Reads

JJ Black has created the perfect book for those of us who love MM stories with a big dose of danger, adventure and passion. Ask the Oracle will tantalize your senses and leave you wanting more.

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News (1)
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JJ Black - Guys Like Romance Too opportunity

Hi! I’m JJ Black and I am an author of paranormal romance, and I’m here today to talk about Ask the Oracle. I’ve always been a sucker for a good love story and the only way to make one better, in my opinion, is to add a little magic. Werewolves, demons and Oracles…oh my!

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