

Morticia Knight

Morticia Knight spends most of her nights writing about men loving men forever after.

If there happens to be some friendly bondage or floggings involved, she doesn’t begrudge her characters whatever their filthy little heart’s desire. Even though she’s been crafting her naughty tales for more years than she’d like to share – her adventures as a published author began in 2011.

Once upon a time she was the lead singer in an indie rock band that toured the West Coast and charted on U.S. college radio. She currently resides on the northern Oregon coast and when she’s not fantasizing about hot men she takes walks along the ocean and annoys the local Karaoke bar patrons.



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News (43) - View all News

Morticia Knight - Because Two Men are Better Than One Feature

Today we welcome author Morticia Knight to share with us the experience of writing two series at once.

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Ethan Stone - Female First

Look, sometimes, no matter how hard you try, sometimes you need a bit of luck.

- Bear Grylls

Everyone likes to think that success in life is about hard work, but everything in life has an element of luck to it.


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Reviews (419)

Indepedent reviewer for Archaeolibrarain Book three and I don't *think* Trent and Shawn (book one) are even mentioned here, but Parker and Lonnie (Slade, book two) do play a part here, so I repe...

A Spirit of Love is a wonderful novella full of lust, paranormal, love. Could this have been better if we got to see Martin, Emilio, & Sophie's backstory? If we had witnessed their coming to...

A great prequel to the series.

Finding Sanctuary

I was really impressed with book 2 and how the flow of the characters seems so strong. The emotions draw you in and make you hold your breath, waiting to find out the outcome. A wonderful story....

Cherished by Two

This was a good story, really enjoyed it [and] how the misunderstanding was worked out. Was a good ending to the side story of Mike Warren and Barry who had kidnapped Corey in previous storyline...

Facing Fears


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