

Till We Ain't Strangers Anymore

Aliyah Burke

Customer & Industry Reviews of Till We Ain't Strangers Anymore

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  Review by Confessions from Romaholics

It is a second chance romance, however this isn’t your typical one, because the hero can’t place the heroine at all despite thinking of her all the time. It like his memory has forgotten the important details of her and leaves him in an awkward place at first. This time is the full blown romance as there is the emotional side to consider and this time hearts are on the line. I’m not giving a lot away as this is simply a love story despite the characters and intriguing backgrounds. Burke is focused telling their beautiful love story and the small town by keeping it simple and not overwhelming us. It is refreshing to see an author being detailed but not over the top because the story need it to the keep read hooked. It is a sweet romance with a bit of spicy and I enjoyed this story a lot.

  Review by Literary Nymphs Reviews

I was wringing my hands, thinking the couple could never work out this bump in the road and yet they did. Aliyah Burke never disappoints with her characters or plots so I suggest for more fun, pick up the series.


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