

In the News: Master Stephen

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Natalie Dae - Blog Tour stop with Erotica for All

What if I didn't write?

Sometimes, I sit and wonder what my life would be like if I didn’t write. Of course, there was a time when I didn’t, so I kind of know. Between leaving school (where I did most of my writing) and having four children, going to work part time, I didn’t have the energy or enthusiasm to pick it back up again. I still kept a daily diary, though, but then one day, when my fourth child was two weeks old, something nudged me to write again. I think it was after a book I’d read had inspired me and it reignited the spark. My sister gave me a typewriter—I’m sure it was her, and thank God she did!—and I managed to scrabble enough money together to buy some paper. Times were hard back then, so buying that paper meant I gave up a couple of my meals.

Natalie Dae - Author Spotlight

Where did the idea for The Marshall Cottage Series come from?

I thought about how many people might not have somewhere to go to explore their BDSM needs—somewhere that would offer them support as well as allow them to indulge in their desires. I imagined how cool it would be for someone to have felt the same—and the character Master M was born. He’s a man who wanted to run a place where everyone could get together and be free to express themselves, so he used his mini mansion as a venue.

Natalie Dae - Female First feature

Fantasies, Oh My!

We all have sexual fantasies, I'm sure. Books are an ideal way to explore them without stepping over that line from thinking about it to actually doing it. Perhaps that's enough for some-you know, reading about a character who has the same needs as you, possibly sates your craving so you don't feel you have to play it out for real. For others it might mean learning more about what the fantasy entails, getting comfortable with it, accepting that it's okay to feel this or want this, then moving on to doing it for real.



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