

VanDoren's Vice

By Jenna Byrnes

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Book Description
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A detective and the head of security at a casino have something in common, don’t they? Perhaps more than one thing. 

Detective Mike VanDoren isn’t much of a gambler, but the ongoing embezzlement at Kansas City’s newest casino definitely has his interest. So does handsome Cole McKinney, the head of security at the Time and Tides. Mike dives head first into the case and a relationship with Cole, who can’t believe that any of his trusted employees and friends could be guilty. Mike knows differently, and it’s up to him and his team to figure out who’s behind the elaborate scheme. When a casino employee turns up dead, the case takes a bizarre twist, leaving Mike scrambling to save the people he cares about most. 

General Release Date: 15th September 2015

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-78430-727-1
Word Count: 30,912
Language: English
Book Length: SHORT NOVEL
Pages: 94

About the author
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Jenna Byrnes

Jenna Byrnes could use more cabinet space and more hours in a day. She'd fill the kitchen with gadgets her husband purchases off TV and let him cook for her to his heart's content. She'd breeze through the days adding hours of sleep, and more time for writing the hot, erotic romance she loves to read.

Jenna thinks everyone deserves a happy ending, and loves to provide as many of those as possible to her gay, lesbian and hetero characters. Her favourite quote, from a pro-gay billboard, is "Be careful who you hate. It may be someone you love."

You can find Jenna on Facebook.

Reviews (6)
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  Reviewed by MM Good Book Reviews

I love the way this author can put together a book that not only fascinates you but draws you in. I had a blast reading this and look forward to reading more by Jenna. The characters are beautifully writt...

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  Reviewed by Sexy for Review

Ms. Byrnes delivered a hotter than hell, sexy read. Ms. Byrnes created larger than life macho men which did not shy away from...

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News (1)
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Jenna Byrnes - Cara Sutra feature

Hi everyone, thanks for having me here today! I’m Jenna Byrnes, and I’ve been active in the erotic romance scene since 2009 with 60+ titles available. I’ve always enjoy love stories but hated it when that bedroom door closed and the rest was left up to my imagination. Once I discovered there were authors who opened that door and took readers inside, I was hooked.

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