

South Beach Rookie

By Courtney Breazile

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Book Description
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Meet the girls of the South Beach Firehouse, and the rookie who heats things up…

Violet can't believe her luck when she gets hired on as a rookie in an all girl firehouse on the beaches of Northern California. Her lucky streak seems endless when Sheena, a firefighter in her company, shows a decidedly hot interest in Violet.

They share some explosive moments, but then Sheena turns cold and oddly possessive. Violet doesn't know what to think, but can't stop burning with the desire to see what else Sheena might have to offer.

Reader Advisory: This book contains hot girl-on-girl strap-on action, and elements of dominance and submission

General Release Date: 11th February 2013

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-78184-218-8
Word Count: 15,911
Language: English
Book Length: NOVELLA
Pages: 45

About the author
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Courtney Breazile

I read, write and soak up the sun…well, as much as possible in the cold north of Idaho. I live with my beautiful daughter and fat cat. I write for the pleasure it brings me and hope that it will bring as much pleasure to whoever reads it.

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