

Secrets, Lies & Vegas

By Pamela L. Todd

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Book Description
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All she wanted was one night. One night to feel something. She would never see him again. No one had to know.

During a girls’ weekend in Las Vegas, Marley Jacobs makes the risky decision to let go of the stress of her reality and enjoy life, even if it’s just for one night. Green-eyed and gorgeous Blake Hamilton opens her eyes to all the pleasures Vegas has to offer and allows her to experience something other than the desperate suffocation she has grown accustomed to. When she returns home to New York and the shackles which await her, she has to forget about Blake, and how he made her feel more alive in one night than she ever has in her entire life.

Marley never thought she would see Blake again, but a moment of kismet throws them back together. It doesn’t take Marley long to realize that the burning desire for Blake didn’t come from the dry heat of the desert. The passion Marley has for Blake is dizzying and without warning, intimacy creeps in.

Falling for Blake isn’t part of Marley’s plan. She knows exactly how her life is supposed to be and she cannot afford to be distracted by him or his green eyes. The only problem is, for someone she isn’t supposed to be with, he seems to fit perfectly within her heart.


General Release Date: 3rd April 2015

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-78430-474-4
Word Count: 99,498
Language: English
Book Length: SUPER NOVEL
Pages: 342

About the author
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Pamela L. Todd

Armed with scraps of paper and a lot of tape, I sat down to create my first work of fiction aged six. Since then I have been honing my skill and have moved on to computers and have found them to be a lot less sticky.

A voracious reader, I devour as many books a year as I can get my hands on and when I’m not falling head first into other worlds, I am creating my own.

As well as erotic fiction, I also write Young Adult and historical romances.

I live in Scotland with my husband and two children. We also share our home with a bonkers cat who makes life interesting at the very least.

You can keep up to date with me and my bookish news at my website here. You can also follow me on Facebook and Twitter.

Reviews (4)
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  Reviewed by The Romance Reviews

5 holy shit, I-hate-you-so-much-for-making-me-bawl-my-eyes-out-Ms.-Todd stars for this insanely intimate, gorgeous and heart crushing read.
OMG y'all, SECRETS, LIES AND VEGAS was freakin' in...

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  Reviewed by momof3infl

Secrets, Lies and Vegas is a very appropriate title for this book, just when I think I had it figured out, another bombshell would be dropped. Timid Marley has the chance to go to Vegas for a bachelorette...

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News (1)
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Pamela L. Todd - BTSe Mag feature

As a writer of erotic romance, a question I am frequently asked is how much of my writing is actually fiction. When my first full-length erotic romance hit the shelves, the outpouring of support from friends and family was absolutely humbling. Even from the ones who swore blind they would never read it—for the simple reason they would never be able to separate the fact that their niece or daughter or cousin had written a book with lots and lots of sex in it.

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