

Psychic Detective II

By Fletchina Archer

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Book Description
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The ability to see what others see. What are the limits? What if you could anticipate your lover's every whim and desire?

Psychic detective Angela and her lover Ronda explore every possibility in a tale of love, lust, and jealousy that takes you into the arms of the women lovers, lets you share their man, and lets you share their initiation of innocent young men as they try to avert an imminent disaster.

General Release Date: 23rd July 2007

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-906328-10-8
Word Count: 24,109
Language: English
Book Length: NOVELLA
Pages: 80

About the author
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Fletchina Archer

I was born in Colorado where I also went to high school and college. I have a black belt in karate but since I was in a match with a person that smiled the whole time while managing to disappear whenever I got close, I've studied Tai Chi, the art of not being there, as well as yoga. These arts figure in my writing as I bring together the realms of emotional involvement, sexual fantasy and erotic reality to explore all of the possibilities of lust, love, experience and imagination.

Reviews (1)
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  Reviewed by RRT Erotic

For a short story, it is a truly one hot package. With Jeff out of town, there are quite a few sizzling sexy scenes between Angela and Ronda that readers will find themselves reading over and over...

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