

Loving Lennox

By KD Ellis

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Book Description
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Riley didn’t know home wasn’t a place… It’s a person.

Riley would rather sell himself on the streets again than go back home. Only a chance encounter with a stranger saved him from becoming another statistic as a teenager, but now he’s aging out of the youth shelter and has nowhere left to go—until a kind act from the shelter’s director sends him straight to Lennox.

When Lennox’s older sister begs him to rent out his spare room to a kid about to become homeless, he gets way more than he bargained for. He expects an acne-spotted, Red-Bull-bingeing teenager. What he does not expect is Riley.

Riley, who has a dominant streak a mile wide but somehow submits so beautifully.

Riley, who has a tough exterior but hides a sensitive soul.

Riley, who might just be what Lennox never knew he was looking for.


Reader advisory: This book contains references to sexual assault, child abuse, child sexual abuse, violence, homelessness, addiction/recovery, violence, prostitution, parental neglect, and public sex. There is mention of alcoholism and homophobia.

General Release Date: 27th June 2023

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-83943-286-6
Word Count: 82,497
Language: English
Book Length: SUPER NOVEL
Pages: 336

About the author
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KD Ellis

KD Ellis is a professional cat wrangler by day, and an author by night. She moved from a small town to an even smaller village to live with her husband and wife and their two children. She loves reading—anything with men loving men. She writes queer romance in between working her two jobs and cuddling her pets—all six of them, which confuses the turtle.

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