

In the News: Jaxx Steele

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Jaxx Steele - Clitical feature

How did you choose the genre you write in?
I read romance books when I was younger because that’s what was around me. I liked them but could never really get into them because they were hetero. I wanted to see men in the lead roles so I decided to write one.

Writing What Women Want

I must admit my surprise when I was asked to write this blog. I have been writing romance novels for the last seven years and have written many blogs on many topics, but this was the first time this topic has come up.

Jaxx Steele - ARe Cafe Post

When Enough is Enough

I love reading romance books about main characters that conquer whatever threatens the loving relationship they’re in. Be it inner turmoil or and physical threat, the main character doesn’t get a moments peace. My favorites are the ones that put the main character on adrenaline overload. The main character is always stuck between a rock and a hard place. He has just averted one crisis and before he can take a sigh of relief the bad guy is back throwing him into something else. That’s where Reynaud finds himself in Reynaud’s Redemption.

Jaxx Steele - USA Today Post

Three of my favorite desserts:

• New York cheesecake with or without strawberries because I'm not really a cake person so this is my go-to dessert.



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