

In the News: Aliyah Burke

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Aliyah Burke - Cara Sutra feature

USA Today Bestselling Author Aliyah Burke loves to read and write. Along with her husband–a Navy man–they have three Borzoi (the fourth is on the way) and one cat.

Aliyah Burke - Series Spotlight with ARe Cafe

Get hooked on a series! If you’re looking for something out of this world, the latest in the Astral Guardians series by Aliyah Burke is now available. 

Aliyah Burke and Taige Crenshaw - Beyond Black & White feature

Unbreakable Bonds is a story about a woman who works in a bookstore, Ta-Mara LeBreaux. Her favorite book is one that has no author listed, nor an ending.

Aliyah Burke - USA Today feature

Three books on my keeper shelves are:

• Jennifer Roberson's Legacy of the Sword.

Aliyah Burke - Coffee Time Romance feature

Good morning, do I have your attention? LOL, nothing like starting the day out with a nice hot man such as this. I’m honored to be here and take part in sharing a bit about my story, Fields of Thunder with y’all. This story is the third on in my Astral Guardians series and the first that deals with a female Guardian. Roz is just as strong as the rest but unlike some of the women, she’s not scared or inhibited by her sexuality. She is a woman who embraces it. 

Aliyah Burke - Clitical feature

If you only had one word to describe yourself, what would it be and why?
Blunt–I tend to keep to myself and love to listen and watch things around me. I think things through, weigh options before I act, yet I’m very blunt about my replies. So those who truly know me understand don’t ask if you don’t wish for me to be honest, sometimes brutally so. I don’t have time or the inclination to sugar-coat things, I’m not wired that way.

Aliyah Burke - Beyond Black and White feature

I write down how they tell me they view this person. What they equate their skin color to. If it’s a nut brown or the color of brown sugar—light, dark, or even melted. Personally, I’m a very visual person so when it pops in my head that way, it’s easy for me to see and picture what the hero/heroine does when they are letting me know.
As I stated before I will have a general idea of what my—let’s say hero—looks like. For example: tall, muscular, former military. Then it goes from there and I get the heroine to fill in the rest of the details.

Aliyah Burke - Blog Tour Stop with Lisabet Sarai

I was asked what advice I would give to aspiring authors. To me this is a hard question because I am still seeking advice from authors who’ve been doing this for much longer than I have.

Aliyah Burke - Female First feature

I write novels that cross a variety of genres and sub-genres where the heroines are strong women with jobs sometimes people don’t associate with women. They are strong and don’t need a man but they are with the hero because they want to be.

Aliyah Burke - Author Spotlight for Highlands at Dawn

What can readers expect from Highlands at Dawn?

I hope an adventure. As always, that’s what I try to take my readers on. We find out more about the second Guardian who finds his mate and what it takes to get her on board with the craziness he’s explaining to her. There’s laughter and sorrow in this tale.

Aliyah Burke - Beyond Black and White feature

Many people have asked me why I write interracial romance. I suppose the short answer I give in return is “Why not?” I didn’t know there was a right way or a wrong way to pen romance. I was raised in a place where color meant nothing. You were who you were and you loved who you loved. Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, none of it mattered.

Aliyah Burke - BTS eMag Post

Reading the different genres

Since I wasn’t sure what I wanted to talk about I figured books is always a good thing. That being said, what do you like to read? Are there specific genres in romance you stay away from? Go toward? Are you a reader who prefers first-person or third-person? Anthologies or a single story in between the covers? Do you like series or prefer stand-alone?

Aliyah Burke - Feature for Preconception

Three of my favorite desserts?


This is a truly difficult question, but I would have to say three of my favorites are: my mom's butterscotch pudding, red velvet cake and my mom's homemade doughnuts.

Preconception Book Trailer

McKenna Jeffries & Aliyah Burke - Interview for Pure Harmony

Why are two heads better than on in erotic fiction?

AB: See…there are sooo many things I could say here. *wicked grin* Seriously, I would refer back to the previous question and how you’re working with another, getting their take on how they imagine/picture a scene. It’s a whole new experience.

MJ: The path that is taken in a story changes as we write together. The path one author takes is different than another and using the combined ideas of two is good…

McKenna Jeffries & Aliyah Burke - Interview for Risky Pleasures

The stories keep filling your head until you wrote down, so do you formulate the whole idea in your head first and then write it down or do you have another process?


Aliyah — Oh, I’m a pantzer all the way. I have an idea but how I get to the end is all a mystery. There is but one sure thing when I start any story. It will have a Happily Ever After. I said before I’m a sap and I want to believe in HEA. We read romance to get away from the grind of our daily lives and I want to make sure mine end with a happy note.

McKenna — My process is I let the characters take me on their journey so I don't formulate the whole idea. When I sit down to write I have a kernel of an idea of how to start and possibly how it may end but not anything set since the characters tend to do as they want too. I've learned to let the



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